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Nationwide COT test at Richmond: UPDATE: The Nationwide Series begins a new era when its new car goes on track for the first of two scheduled tests Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 8-9, at Richmond International Raceway. Wednesday, Sept. 10, will be a rain date. Each of the four series manufacturers Chevy, Dodge, Ford and Toyota will be permitted to bring two cars. The drivers are to be announced but will be representative of their specific manufacturer. The goal of this test is for the manufacturers and participating teams to start laying a foundation for the transfer phase from the current car to the new car in the Nationwide Series, said Robin Pemberton, NASCARs vice president of competition. The cars will be on track in their current stages of development and the test data will be shared among the manufacturers, teams and NASCAR.(NASCAR PR)(9-4-2008)
UPDATE: A tentative lineup of drivers has been announced for the two-day Nationwide Series new car test scheduled to begin Monday at Richmond International Raceway. Chevy tentatively will have Scott Wimmer (Richard Childress Racing) and Morgan Shepherd (Davis Motorsports). Ford will have Matt Kenseth (Roush Fenway Racing). Dodge will have Bryan Clauson (Chip Ganassi Racing), and Toyota will have a couple of Michael Waltrip Racing cars with David Reutimann, Josh Wise and Kyle Busch sharing the driving duties.(SceneDaily.com)(9-5-2008)