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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
This Connecticut auto racing, former Late Model car owner, has several track championships, and many feature event wins, with a few different drivers can you name him???
I'm sure there's more than one, but "Flash"Gordon Rodgers meets those specs. Late Model championships at all Three CT tracks with Two different drivers. Over fifty career victories as a car owner, and finally an SK Championship to his name.
At least nobody had anything bad to say,I never realized I'd gained such notariaty
Here's a bit of a trivia question, What drivers have driven one of my cars in competition at any of the tracks in the region over the past 23 years? Hint: There have been ten. (That i can recall.)
The other three obvious ones are, Bob "INK' Greene, T. Fox and I am pretty sure i remember Allen Coates turnin a wheel for you once or twice. As for the other four, I got nothin!!
Im gonna throw in two more. I am probably way off, but these two are sticking in my mind (having Heard sticking in your mind thats a scary thought) for some reason. Here goes anyway,
I can see that everyone is really trying hard and they are all great answers so I'll give you a few hints.
You got all the obvious ones, Tom Fox, CJ Frye, Ed Reed Jr, Ed Reed Sr, And Bob Greene.
Yes, Allen did drive the 6X in a race at Waterford in 1990 but technically that car was owned by Bob Greene, so that doesn't count.
Also Scott Porier, Paul Heard, Phil Rondeau, Ron Hoyle, Dennis Gada, Raymond Reed, Corey Hutchings and a few others have driven my cars in practice. The key here is "in competition".
I also just remember a forgotten one bringing the total to 11.
I was gonna spill the beans but was told I should keep you all guessing. Come on 6 more. I'm sure at least one of you can dig back through the cobwebs of your memory.
[ H I N T ] The missing drivers drove in '83, '88, & '93
Flash, your killin me, and im sure everyone else on this one. Those beans our starting to boil over on the stove. Come on buddy, throw the dogs a bone. You truly have a stumper.
OK , Ok I'll toss out some more hints......................
The forgotten one was the very first driver of the 6X in 1982.
The next Driver ran my car in a special " non feature winners race" in 1983 and won the event.
In 1988 there were three drivers who drove my second car at both Waterford and Thompson for single events.
The final Driver Qualified the Waterford car for us while C J was at Thompson for the 1993 Ice Breaker.
These drivers came from towns such as Groton, Canterbury, Voluntown, Ledyard, Preston and Hebron. Now if that doesn't give them away...........I give up.
That's Why I referred To my self as " the forgotten one" cuz even I almost forgot that I once drove in competition. There are still a few people alive somewhere from that time long long ago.
Just two more.............do the #'s 14 and 6 ring a bell?
Lets see now, with the hint of the town of Hebron, and the #6 combined (im probably wandering farther of the path with these guesse's but I hope not) im going to go with one of the Steiners, John or Don. And with the #14 several come to mind, how about Leo Adams or Bob Hanley? Or with the town of Voluntown hint Dave Wheeler maybe? I think he was from that neck of the woods.
You've got 'em, Openwheelracer!! They WERE John Steiner and Dave Wheeler. Great job!! I'm sure you've had to do some serious cobweb clearing in those brains of yours to remember those!
Out of all the trivia questions posted in the short history of this forum, this had to be one of the most fun. It makes me curious though Flash or MRS, if you don't mind, What are your plans for the upcoming season? We heard lots of rumors but its nothing like getting it from the "horses mouth".
Really enjoyed last season at the bowl, and actually breathed a sigh of relief when Eddie and you guys clinched it. Also heard a rumor that Gada is coming back with Wyant. Hear any thing of the sort?
Been Making Laps for Years! Just now it's in my Truck and 5th wheel!
The rumors (or at least some of them!) are true....Flash will not be returning to the Bowl this season to race. We recently moved out to the sticks in a new(er) home. Our two little girls are growing up faster than we can keep track of. (They'll be 3 & 5 in a couple more months) Flash has decided it's time for a hiatus. He's got a lot of projects he's put on the back burner for too long, and definitely does not wish to miss out on watching our babies grow up!
As for Eddie, I'm not entirely sure....Flash had offered to let him use the #72 equipment for this season, if he wanted to continue racing this year without Flash. (Contrary to popular belief, Flash did NOT give Eddie the equipment....I'd have hung him outside by his toenails!!! ) Last I heard (from Flash, who spoke directly w/ Eddie), Eddie was also going to take the year off as well to pursue other projects/hobbies. Perhaps Eddie would like to elaborate and/or fill us in on his plans? Enquiring minds want to know!!
I'm looking forward to having Flash around the house a lot more, but am certain that long before this season is over he'll be at the shop most nights working over the ol' #72! I figure Flash, Eddie, & the crew will be chompin' at the bit to get her back in shape to race again. So, I'm going to enjoy being able to go to the races when we feel like it while I can!!
I myself have not heard anything about Dennis, but that doesn't mean much....I'm usually a bit behind in the important information department....if it's gossip, I'm ALL OVER IT!! tee hee.
So, Andymac, yes the rumors are true, but I don't believe that means the guys'll be out for long!