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Fitz Motorsports cars for sale by Iredell County Sherrif: UPDATE: Due to a lien against Fitz Motorsports brought by former driver Joel Kaufmann, the Iredell, NC county sheriff has siezed three cars from Fitz Motorsports. The notice is as follows: Under and by virture of an execution issued to the ...Sheriff on the 11th day of July, 2008 [the sheriff has] siezed and taken into ... control and will on the 4th day of September 2008 at 10a.m. at Troutman Tire and Auto Storage...offer for sale at a public auction to the highest bidder for cash all right, title, and interest that Highline Performance Group, Inc [Fitz Motorsports] has in the following property: Intermediate Car #22 Supercuts Speedway car #22 Family Dollar Road Course Car #22 Supercuts The information can be viewed on the Iredell County Sheriff's web site. The document is available here.(8-25-2008)
UPDATE: Statement from Armando Fitz. "I am extremely disappointed with how this situation was handled. I had an understanding with former Driver Joel Kauffman to remedy a deficit in pay early this week. The fact that (law firm) Homesley, Goodman & Wingo exposed a potential situation the day before I intended to make good is upsetting. The deficit was the result of a contract technicality at the time of his termination. Most teams encounter financial roadblocks, especially stand-alone Nationwide teams that have limited funding. But instead of taking the easy way out, we continue to take the high road by rectifying our financial issues. Making good financially while also keeping our commitment to our sponsors to show up at the race track each week is an uphill battle, yet we continue to be competitive week in and out regardless of the how bad things get. I still intend to make good on what I owe Joel this week. But for Homesley, Goodman & Wingo to expose me by using the power of the media and websites that my peers, sponsors and potential future sponsors frequent is what bothers me the most. I'd like to apologize to my sponsors and employees who are indirectly affected by this negativity, and thank them for their continued support and hard work."(8-25-2008)