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Hall of Fame Racing looking at options UPDATE mergers and Mayfield? The joke among teams at the back of the garage is that it's the mergers and acquisitions section, a reference to all the talk of teams selling to investors or merging. "Just about everything you can imagine in this garage, people talking to people,'' said Tom Garfinkel, co-owner of Hall of Fame Racing [#96 Toyota], of all the possibilities. So, what about Hall of Fame Racing? "We're evaluating all our options for next year ... to be able to build a great team and be competitive in the future,'' Garfinkel said. Garfinkel said that the team would like to remain with Toyota, "but as we look at other team situations, some of them require different manufacturers and so we're having those conversations as well.''(Roanome Times)(8-24-2008)
UPDATE: Hall of Fame Racing doesnt have a full-time driver for the rest of 2008, and the team is looking at a variety of options for 2009 on both who will drive and how many cars the team will have. Those options include a possible merger/acquisition of another team, Hall of Fame Racing co-owner Tom Garfinkel said Saturday. As we look at other teams situations, some of them require different manufacturers and were having those conversations as well, Garfinkel said. As far as a driver, the team had Ken Schrader in the car at Bristol. It likely will put Joey Logano in the car later this year, but Garfinkel said he would not comment on those reports until after Joe Gibbs Racings announcement Monday, where it is expected that Logano will be named the full-time driver of the #20 Cup car next year. The team used Brad Coleman at Michigan and plans to use him more. He will participate in a Goodyear tire test this week at Kansas Speedway. As far as 2009, it could depend on whether Hall of Fame increases to two or more cars with a merger or acquisition. We obviously still think a lot of Brad and [are] trying to get him ready, said Garfinkel, whose team is outside the top 35 by 241 points. At the same time we want to put ourselves in the best position every weekend.(SceneDaily) and also hearing Jeremy Mayfield could run some races in the #96 this season.(8-24-2008)