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Saw and article on Nascar.com where Sarah Fisher will be running some Nascar West Series events for a team with backing from Richard Childress. And also that "RC" planned to possibly run Fisher in a few BGN Series races this season. What struck me the funniest was Fisher's comments about, "how it was always in her head to try stock cars, but she didnt have the B@&%S to make it happen". Now in the IRL Series where they try to promote that 20 something, generation X attitude, to say that is probably ok, but in Nascar with their wholesome family sport image they try to promote it's probably not a good idea. But then again, it's most likely like a lot of things in racing, its who you know, and when you have Childress behind you you can get away with a few mistakes. Just look at how long people tolerated some of Robby Gordon's nonsense.
Sarah Fischer will be running the full Nascar West schedule in a car #20 out of the Bill McAnally shop, sponsered by Levi Strauss. McAnally is a several time Nascar West/Winston West car owner. Sarah will be a team mate to former series champion Steve Portenga who is taking over the driving duties from Austin Cammeron in the Napa Auto Parts #16. Fischer hopes to winner rookie of the year title, as well as contend for the overall series championship.