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I'm probably all wrong here. But I remember hearing the story. Andy and Sue are both from Maine, and Sue either worked with a team or for a track. He proposed to her at the track. Now, I'm asuming that he did it in Maine, near family and friends, but I could be wrong. If that is the case, being from Cherryfield Maine, I would assume that the answer is either Beech Ridge or Oxford.
Lots of people kept saying Pikes Peak, (hope I didn't ruin your next Andy question), but I know that he was married prior to the move down south. I guess you're gonna have to fill me in here. I think I may have gotten some of the details right. I also excercised my right to be anonymous, the great Santerre fan that I am, I would be embarrassed when people found out that I didn't know the answer. But I know I will soon.
Hello Anon, You do have a lot of the facts straight! You are definetly headed in the right direction. Though I my aging memory serves me correctly, I believe that Sue is originally from the state of New York and that she and Andy met at Watkins Glen. Keep on trying! I know that you will get to the bottom of this.
Jackie, You are correct! It was in victory lane, after a dominating preformance, where the #44 Wynn's/extend, EJP Monte Carlo appeared is if it were on a rail! Now who out there can tell me what track doublely great day for Andy occured at?
Ok, it couldn't have been his first win because that was at Apple Valley and in a previous question we learned that Andy was not driving the #44 at that time.
So it had to be in victory lane at Beech Ridge? This one is killing me. I even went to AndySanterre.com loooking for the answer, but with no luck. I even attacked the Macster, who as you know is one of the biggest Santerre fans around, and he couldn't tell me.
I'm still gonna do some more research. Thanks for humoring the girls on this one rowe24!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Hi Brat, Glad to see you try to give it a shot! It's not Beech Ridge though. Lets get the other ladies and the guys out there into the action here.I'll give another hint, it may or may not help. The #44 had be towed to victory lane as a crash between Eric Bodine and another one of the back makers took Andy out just after he crossed the line. Dave Dion finished second in the #29 Thunderbird.