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The year was 1996 at NHIS it was the Pennzoil/VIP Triple Header. I'm looking for the winner in each division that day - CTS, BGNN, FMT. The Tripleheaders had to be the BIGGEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK any race fan has ever seen. RMF
Pleae share your thoughts on the Triple Header.................
Rmf, those old tripleheaders were the best. $30 to $35 to watch three top Nascar touring series? Considering certain Connecticut tracks nail you $40 to $50 for one touring series and some support divisions. Yep a cooler full of beer, the "parking privileges" we had, and some great racin, who was lovin life more than us.
Those damn racetracks really sock you.......... I can see the world series being 40 bucks to get in.......... There is 12 races to be seen.......... But when you go to stafford for a sunday show then sock you for 35........ That is crap to me..... lol
Well geez Scott, the Arutes need to make money too! (sarcasm) I wouldn't mind paying the extra bucks if it was actually filtering down to the competitors. Needless to say their costs to race, and abide by rules that are made seemingly with no input from them, have risen dramatically compared to the purses.
Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts on the value of the TripleHeader weekends. BUT no one answered my question, who were the three big winners that day back in 1996??? RMF
RMF, I think it was TC in the BGNN and Horniday in the trucks, can't remember who the mod winner was. I think it may have been the Boelher car, but not really sure.