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Man Critical after Pocono Raceway Stabbing: A 43-year-old man is in critical condition today after being stabbed in the heart at Pocono Raceway on Sunday, police said. Michael Gualtiere, of Seaford, on Long Island, N.Y., was treated at the infield care center at the raceway around 7pm/et and flown to Lehigh Valley Hospital Center where he remains in critical condition after surgery, according to Pocono Mountain Regional Police. Police said they are executing a search warrant on a vehicle involved in the incident and they have identified a person of interest. Police believe the public is not at risk and the investigation is ongoing.(Pocono Record)(8-5-2008)
Police search for stabbing suspect at Pocono 500: Police are still seeking witnesses of an apparent attempted homicide outside the Pocono International Raceway this weekend. Michael Gualtieri, 43, of Long Island was stabbed in a parking area outside the raceway Sunday, Pocono Mountain Regional Police said. He was flown to Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest to repair damage to his heart caused by the chest wound, and police said last night he remained in critical condition. Police said they have executed a search warrant in the case, but did not identify a suspect or release any further information. In addition to the stabbing, police said they dealt with a series of other problems inside or outside the raceway Sunday, including reports of car accidents, fights and public intoxication.(Allentown Morning Call)(8-8-2008)