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Nice job by the owner convincing James to stay over the winter and then letting him go when he couldn't get the Toter Home and Stacker Trailer into victory Lane. The owner spent huge amounts of money, but not on anything that would improve performance.
Old cars, old motors. Same stuff Coby drove 5 years ago.
There is a reason the front running teams sell of thier old motors and buy new, and build new cars.
Were you at Riverhead? Did you see what James did? Did you see what he did at the World Series last year? Or at Thompson earlier this year? The cars are older, but it's still top notch stuff. James is a good driver, but he needs to learn to calm down. The same antics will happen no matter what car he drives.
What James did last night was in excusable....He has no respect for other peoples equipment. He needs to be on medication....some one could of got hurt last night.Over the past couple years hes continued to run into people over and over and over...AND NO 1 HAS DONE A THING!!!! Well this time NASCAR should step and suspend him again.......Thank you Don King....this was a long time coming!!!!!