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Roush Miffed At Goodyear: Team owner Jack Roush got a second-place finish in Sunday's Allstate 400 at the Brickyard from Carl Edwards, but he was not in a good mood. Roush said that because his team wasn't invited to the Goodyear tire test at Indianapolis Motor Speedway in April that involved only three drivers, his engineers and crew chiefs had no idea what to expect this weekend. "We only missed by an inch," he said. "This is a game of inches, but Goodyear didn't give us a chance to test here. We were one change behind all the time during practice." Goodyear tires were wearing out so quickly on the right side of the cars Sunday that NASCAR instituted "competition yellow" flags every 10 to 12 laps. That didn't help one of Roush's drivers. Matt Kenseth blew a tire on the 47th of 160 laps. The other Roush Fenway Racing drivers, Jamie McMurray and Greg Biffle, finished sixth and eighth. So it was hardly a bad day for the Ford team. Asked what NASCAR and Goodyear can do to prevent such a situation from occurring again, Roush said, "You need to go talk to Chad Knaus winner Jimmie Johnson's crew chief. He said it wasn't going to be a problem with this tire. He and Goodyear have something figured out that the rest of us don't."(Tampa Tribune)(7-28-2008)