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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I have received reports that at the recent rules meeting it was stated that a drivers worst two finishes of the season would be omitted for the purpose of determining final season points. Can anybody out there verify or refute this? Seems like it could tend to keep the point races closer over the long haul. I would welcome any thoughts or comments on this.
Not sure if this is the format for the regional series or not. I was under the impression that the regional series points were based on the top 15 finishes, but I could be wrong as I am on nearly a daily basis, if you don't believe, just ask my wife!
I think that is bull**** because how are you gonna gain points on any one or catch up if your be hind? I dont like it at all and I also dont think it would inprove points because you take the points from like a year or two ago I think the results would be the same. So if the pionts leader only had two bad finishes the your screw because your gonna lose that many points to catch them in the end.
Actually This Rule is kinda good and bad. It hurts consistancy. Ron Yuhas has a 28 point lead without the bad finishes taken away and a 46 point lead with them taken away. Yes very complicated.
I agree with Pat6 - it has it's good and bad. At this time, I don't think any of the point leaders are different 'after droppin' the duece' in any of the 4 waterford divisions, but it definitely tightens the groups up as a whole. My buddies over at jeff-pearl.com list the SK points after the drop for anyone who's interested
I also post the adjusted mini points on the forum page. The rule has it's ups and downs and it definitely BENEFITS the racer who doesn't show up 2 weeks and PENALIZES the guy who shows up faithfully every week. Not sure if that makes sense, but at least every racer in every division knew about the rule before hand. Unless of course, they weren't paying attention....
I for one liked last year's set up better when they gave each division 2 weeks off. Not only could a weekly racer enjoy some summer weekends with his family, the 'bowl showcased other divisions from the popular wednesday program in their absence.
Under this rule, you could plan a August long weekend with your family, but if you ball it up once in May and get a flat in July and fell off the lead lap - then that road trip you planned hurts ya...
ok, that's enough from me - gotta get my game face on for tonight's show...
and how do I get my Kenny moniker up on this bad boy - I feel naked without 'em...
Thank you both Pat and Sid for your very articulate points of view! Bottom line IMHO, I just think that they were gonna try anything they could to tighten up the chase at the end of the year. You havr to admit it always is the best end to the season when the championship is determined at the last checker. And, they want to be consistent with what everyone else is doing too...
Sid, please email me your avatar makinglaps@aol.com and I will format it and put it up for you! Me and the "eye" were just the other day discussing what we could do for you in that respect. Thanks so much for all your contributions, and we will get that up for you as soon as you forward "him" over.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!