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Truex doesn't rule out driving for Stewart: UPATE: As far as his contract status with DEI, which intends to pick up his option, Truex said those talks took a backseat after the Daytona infraction. "Certainly, last week . . . I said to myself, this isn't the first thing on my list," Truex said of his contract. "Through this week, we've had great meetings about what happened, how we want to fix it, the direction we're headed as a race team, and so hopefully this week we'll get back to talking about the rest of that stuff. It's been going well. There's just been a lot of other things on the plate as a race team to figure out." He did not rule out he could be a candidate for the second team at the newly formed Stewart-Haas Racing. "I guess if you look around the garage, anybody who doesn't have a contract signed for next year you have to look at as a candidate . . . for that deal right now," Truex said. (ESPN.com)(7-12-2008)
UPDATE: Sources confirmed to [Captain Thunder] that Newman is a done deal and an announcement is coming soon. What [Captain Thunder] also learned, is that Martin Truex Jr. may be joining Newman and Stewart. Sources said, Stewart is now looking to field a powerhouse three-car team, and sponsors are lining up to be a part of the newly formed venture. According to sources close to the situation, the Office Depot and Old Spice deals are set, but sources also said Burger King and UPS are working diligently with Stewart to sponsor his second and third racecars, if they can convince Truex Jr. to come along for the ride with Stewart HAAS Racing. Although DEI is working very hard to re-sign Truex Jr. and are throwing some huge numbers at the driver of the #1 Bass Pro Shops Chevy, Stewart is trying to convince Truex Jr. to join him and Newman at the newly formed Stewart HAAS Racing in hope of forming a powerhouse racing team. And, Truex Jr. may be ripe for the picking.(Captain Thunder Racing)(7-13-2008)