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Montoya and Kyle Busch tangle: While trying to wreck #18-Kyle Busch on Sunday, #42-Juan Pablo Montoya managed to wreck himself in the process near the end of the Lenox Industrial Tools 301. And he did it during a caution. After a caution flag flew with 21 laps to go, Montoya ran into the right-rear fender of Busch's car. It caused Busch to spin and hit Montoya's car as Montoya was driving by. "We always give each other lots of room," Montoya said of Busch. "But he went wide like I wasn't there. Then I got beside him and he started banging me like he was trying to wreck me. I looked at him like, 'What are you doing?' " Montoya had no problem admitting he deliberately ran into Busch's car. "Yeah. I did what he did to me," Montoya said. "I don't appreciate people who race me like that. There's a fine line and he crossed it." Apparently, NASCAR officials felt the same was about Montoya's retaliation move. He was assessed a two-lap penalty for rough driving outside of race procedure. It dropped Montoya to 32nd in the finishing order. Busch finished 25th, but still leads the Cup standings by 64 points over #31-Jeff Burton. So what caused the altercation with Montoya? "I have no idea," Busch said. "I got a run on him earlier. I didn't turn down into him. He ran me up the race track. The caution came out and he thought he had to beat me. I touched his door and he spun me out. I don't know what his beef is."(ESPN.com)(6-30-2008)