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Ken Bouchard to Enter True Value Modified Race at Monadnock
Winchester, NH (June 29, 2008) - -One of the northeasts all time modified greats will return to his old stomping grounds Saturday night, July 5, when Ken Bouchard, voted one ofNASCARs all-time top 50 modified drivers, competes in his first True Value Modified Racing Series event at Monadnock Speedway, Winchester, NH.Saturdays traditional race, the Firecracker 100, will be a guaranteed starter event for the Sunoco Mod-Mania weekend at Thompson, CT., Sept 6, 7. Monadnock fans will also be treated to a gigantic digital fireworks show, one of the best in the state.
Bouchard, 53, Fitchburg, MA., a former competitor on the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and Craftsman Truck Series, will compete in the Turcotte Motorsports modified driven recently by TVMRS champion Kirk Alexander, and earlier this year by Louie Mechalides.
Bouchard is certainly no stranger to the tight quarter mile speedway winning races there through his long illustrious career, the most notable being the day he suffered a flat tire with 20 laps remaining in a 100 lap race. That day he beat his older brother Ron, driving the famed Boehler No.3 to the checkered flag.
Several former weekly racers at the track known as Mad Dog will return to the high-banks to compete in the festive event. Les Hinckley, Dwight Jarvis, Rob Goodenough, and Alexander are expected entries. Alexander won the Firecracker event in 2004, 2005, 2007, with Jim Boniface capturing the 2006 race.
Ted Christopher, Ed Dachenhausen, Mike Holdridge, Jack Bateman, and Peter Jarvis also are expected entries.
In their quest for the series championship, David Pinkham, takes a 12 point lead into Saturday nights race over young gun Chris Pasteryak, with three-time and defending champion Alexander 20 points back from the leader. Kenny White Jr, Weare, NH., leads the standings in the Koszela Speed Rookie-of the Year points chase.
Starting lineups will be determined by 12 lap heat races with the feature race going 100 green flag laps. Monadnock Speedway is located on Rte 12, Winchester, NH. Race time is 6:00 PM.