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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
With Donny running the Tour full time it maybe hard to run a full season at Stafford. As long as there are no conflicts in can be done However, I think the 2 NHIS Tour races conflict
In previous years, drivers that have had conflicting schedules have hopped a ride aboard Teddy's Helicopter! TC usually makes it on time, so it is possible, with the help of minor scheduling changes at Stafford and even having some other driver qualify the car in the heat. I know Mike has qualified TC's car, only to have him start the feature in the rear and to go on to win.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Unfortunatley lately NHIS has rained delayed on Friday making that a bit difficult That is the hardest part about trying to run the Tour and a weekly track....
This is great news! I haven't had anyting to cheer for in the sk's at Stafford since Bo refused anger management classes. Come on Donny, kick TC's butt. Gotta go buy me some Wisk!
The Chowanskys always put a top notch car on the track no matter who is behind the wheel of it, and also whether its Steve Chowansky, Hossfeld, or Jerry Marquis and now Lia they always seem to pick a guy who has no problem giving "OL TED THE TORNADO" a run for his money thats for sure.