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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
With three races completed in 2008 I figured it was time for a few more of my thoughts.
1. Ryan Preece - A lot of people questioned the decision to put young Ryan Preece behind the wheel of "Ole' Blue". Many felt he had never proven himself worthy of the ride. I think both of his performances at Stafford Motor Speedway show this young driver has what it takes to get the job done, and that it will only be a matter of time before the car is parked in Victory Lane.
2. Erick Rudolph - Another of the "Young Guns". DeLange Racing will only run a limited schedule with Erick, but in only his second Tour start he has allready captured a Top Ten finish. Hopefully we will see more of this talented young driver in the future.
3. Rowan Pennink - Another relatively new driver to the Tour who is running very consistently. With a few lucky breaks you just may see the #93 in Victory Lane.
4. Glenn Reen - Another newcomer to the Tour. Thus far he has qualified for every race, which is a statement in it's self on the Tour.
5. The Stafford Motor Speedway TSI 150 - This was definitely Chuck Hossfeld's night. Chuck won the Coors Light Pole Award, re-drew the number one starting spot, and went on to win over some of the toughest competitors in the buisness. I definitely have to give a tip of the hat to the following drivers as well: Ryan Preece - Despite several on track incidents the young driver soldiered on to a decent finish. Bobby Grigas III - At one point the #09 had a ten car lenght lead, a bad pit-stop left Bobby in the back of the pack at the finish. Ronnie Silk - Several times the #79 was nearly spun around, but the young driver just kepy right on going, unfortunately one last incident left the HillBilly Racing entry backwards in the wall. The race itself - You have to give a tip of the hat to the Stafford Motor Speedway for not giving up on this race being run Friday night. And while the start was a little rough, the race had a 65 lap green flag run with some VERY exciting action. 24 of the 31 starters were running at the finish.
Well that is about it for this time. Thanx for reading, and feel free to comment.