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Historic ACT Spring Green Returns to Airborne Speedway Saturday
For Immediate Release ACT-051408-1
PLATTSBURGH, NY The American-Canadian Tour Late Model stock cars return to Plattsburgh, NYs Airborne Speedway on Saturday, May 17 for the 34th Annual Furniture World of VT Spring Green 100. Defending race winner Ryan Nolin of Georgia, VT scored his first career ACT victory in the event last year. Airborne is a special place for my family and me, said Nolin, 21. I grew up watching races and working on my fathers cars there as a kid, and to get my first win there, especially in the Spring Green, meant a lot. Nolin joined a stout list of former Spring Green winners, including legendary drivers Bobby and Beaver Dragon, Dave Dion, Jean-Paul Cabana, Robbie Crouch, Claude Leclerc, and Junior Hanley, and modern-day stars Brian Hoar, Phil Scott, Jean-Paul Cyr, and Brent Dragon. Brian Hoar was one of my heroes growing up, and to be in a group of winners with someone like him is a big deal to me, said Nolin. That kind of history makes Airborne a very special place. Plus, its a hard track to figure out, and its very rewarding to have all the pieces together to win there. I just hope my team and I can get it right like we did last year. Nolins Mountain Air Systems/Champ 101.3 #78 Chevrolet will be challenged by former winners Bobby Dragon and nephew Brent Dragon, Crouch, Leclerc, and seven-time and defending ACT Late Model Tour Champion Cyr, as well as current point leader Scott Payea, third-place driver John Donahue, Canadian stars Patrick Laperle and Donald Theetge, New Hampshires Randy Potter and Joey Polewarczyk, Jr., and Maines Ron Henry and Glen Luce. General admission for the 34th Annual Furniture World of VT Spring Green 100 at Airborne Speedway is just $18 for adults, $5 for children (6-12), and only $40 for a family of four. Gates open at 12:00 noon on Saturday, May 17, with post time scheduled for 5:00 pm. For more information, call ACT at (802) 244-6963 or visit www.acttour.com, or call Airborne Speedway at (518) 561-3208 or visit www.airborneparkspeedway.com. -30- Contact: Justin St. Louis Phone: (802) 244-6963 Email: media@acttour.com Fax: (802) 244-1616