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Seaman lands deal with Lafferty Motorsports: Even at 25 years of age, Ryan Seaman figured he was running out of racing opportunities and the much needed money to fuel his thirst to race. Surprisingly, he came across a "want ad'' for a NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series driver, someone who had his experience, his energy and his desire to win races. "It was a driver development deal in a truck series,'' Seaman said. Seaman and his father, Everett, flew to Concord, N.C., on Easter Sunday evening to meet with truck owner Chris Lafferty the next morning at Hickory Motor Speedway. On the second day [testing] at Hickory Motor Speedway, the evaluation gave Seaman a complete understanding of exactly what Lafferty Motorsports had been looking for and what they saw in his performance. Everyone sat down later in the day and talked about goals and tasks to build a long-lasting relationship within Lafferty Motorsports. Seaman will make his debut May 30 in the AAA Insurance 200 at Dover International Speedway.(Ashbury Park Press)(5-9-2008)
what is the price tag to drive for lafferty motorsports,i see they have all kind of deals,also will you get ur money worth from a team that hasnt race in truck series this year.these deals are long shots
I actually have heard of Lafferty Motorsports. My friend, who has never been in a race car of any kind, said he was going to test a truck. I didn't believe him, so I filled out some forms and got a call the next day from Lafferty Motorsports saying I could come down to Hickory for a test. Catch is that it costs a few grand. Hopefully they are for real because it seems like a real sketchy operation to me.
I tested with them too. It is 1500.oo bucks to drive the truck. They only let you go so fast and not push too hard. Chris is VERY serious about what he does and he and his wife are very nice people. I received no responses about my press release and was dissapointed about that. I cannot give an honest opinion about the program, but have decided not to persue that opportunity until i get some sponsorship. I think it is a brilliant way to make money for his teams. 2-3 guys a day testing, truck and car are at the track already so no gas money, very little wear on tires and little fuel buring out of truck. I would guess they have a deal with Hickory on the track rental, but i think it is open for any testing. Chris is the youngest owner in the truck series and is still building on what he has so to say he is a joke is not fair in my opinion. If i had the sponsorship i would at least give it a shot as the driver can make a lot of difference on times at the track. It probably isn't a top notch truck, but could do well in the hands of a driver like my self. JMO
Lafferty Motorsports IS A JOKE and Chris Lafferty is a crook, playing on the hopes of young racers under the disguise of a "driver development program". It's a "rent a wreck" operation. A genuine driver development program actually develops the driver, they don't make the driver pay to drive the car, and pay to race too.
I have Knowen Chris Lafferty for about two years now. I first tested with him at Hickory on December 6th 2007. I was extermly impressed with him and his teams ethics. For having not much money they work hard and strive to get the driver as much experiane in the truck. I figure I ran around 50 laps or more in their street stock car, and around 80 laps in their Craftsman Truck. I payed only $1,500. Probably just enough to cover fuel and tiers. When you figure that the Petty Driving Experiance cost over $2,000 just to drive 10 laps, I'd say it was well worth it. Not to mention Chris stays in touch with me, and we are planning on doing more testing, and getting me more track time. He invites me to races, and stuff like that. I have to say that I have never met a more genuine person that straight up admits he doesn't have enough money to be competitive in the Camping World Truck Series, but he is working on it and each day Lafferty Motorsports gets closer to being a competitive team. He is a amazing guy who works hard, and has goals that I know he will meet. I know that he don't use ANYBODY. Whoever said that mout have done a test, and not knowen how to drive or somthing. As for seaman not geting his seat back he was supposed to pay the shipping to send it back, and he didn't send the money for the shipping. So go ahead and say what you want, but until you are racing in the Truck Series you have nothing on Chris.
There was absolutely no dispute in giving Ryan his seat back, and the cops were never called. It was unfortunate that Ryan was wrecked 13 laps into the Dover race. I did not have a crash clause with Ryan which means he did not pay anything when he crashed.
It is really funny that the people who have what it takes are out there making it happen, and the people who do not blame all others for why they cannot make it.
Our program is designed to help drivers, who do not come from big money. Make no mistake to be a part of anybodies driver program it cost money, we just happen to be the only company who lends marketingsupport for no extra cost.
If anyone has any questions please feel free to give me a call 704-795-5375