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Coburn, LaFleche, Foster Take Merchants Bank Wins at Thunder Road
For Immediate Release TR-050408-1
BARRE, VT Hometown stock car drivers swept the top three finishing positions in the 30-lap NAPA Tiger Sportsman feature on Merchants Bank Opening Day at Barre, VTs Thunder Road. Scott Coburn scored his fourth career win in a slugfest event. Coburns VT Shifter Karts/M&M Beverage #1 Chevrolet ran from the pole starting position for the win. Barres Shawn Sicard and David Finck completed the podium finishers. Tom Therrien of Hinesburg and Pete Ainsworth of Middlesex finished fourth and fifth, respectively. Brendan Moodie, Derrick ODonnell, Tony Rossi, Doug Crowningshield, and Craig Bushey were rest of the unofficial top ten. Dave LaFleche of Graniteville scored his first career Allen Lumber Street Stock victory with a final-corner pass of Hardwicks Super Joe Fecteau. Tim Campbell of West Topsham and Josh LaCourse of Barre completed the unofficial top five. Neal Foster of Waterbury captured his first career Power Shift Online Junkyard Warrior victory over Travis Hull of Graniteville, Jamie Davis of Wolcott, Donny Yates of Montpelier, and Mike Gay of South Burlington. Apparent runner-up Justin Gay was disqualified in post-race inspection for a tire infraction. American-Canadian Tour driver Scott Payea of Milton won the 10th Annual Merchants Bank 150. Patrick Laperle of Montreal finished second ahead of Dave Pembroke of Middlesex, Phil Scott of Montpelier, and Miltons Jean-Paul Cyr. Thunder Roads 49th season of stock car racing continues on Sunday, May 11 with the Harvest Equipment Mothers Day Special at 5:00 pm. General admission is $9.50 for adults, $3 for children, and just $17 for a family of four. For more information, call (802) 244-6963 or visit www.thunderroadspeedbowl.com.
UNOFFICIAL RESULTS Thunder Road Intl Speedbowl, Barre, VT Merchants Bank Opening Day Sunday, May 04, 2008
NAPA Tiger Sportsmen 30 laps Pos.-Driver-Hometown 1. Scott Coburn, Barre 2. Shawn Sicard, Barre 3. David Finck, Barre 4. Tom Therrien, Hinesburg 5. Pete Ainsworth, Middlesex 6. Brendan Moodie, North Wolcott 7. Derrick ODonnell, Bradford 8. Tony Rossi, Groton 9. Doug Crowningshield, Barre 10. Craig Bushey, Cambridge
Allen Lumber Street Stocks 20 laps Pos.-Driver-Hometown 1. Dave LaFleche, Graniteville 2. Joe Fecteau, Hardwick 3. Tim Campbell, West Topsham 4. Michael Moore, East Haven 5. Josh LaCourse, Barre
Power Shift Online Junkyard Warriors Pos.-Driver-Hometown 1. Neal Foster, Waterbury 2. Travis Hull, Graniteville 3. Jamie Davis, Wolcott 4. Donny Yates, Montpelier 5. Mike Gay, South Burlington -30- Contact: Justin St. Louis Phone: (802) 244-6963 Email: media@acttour.com Fax: (802) 244-1616