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Wolfe Back at Track After Legal Dispute: Paul Wolfe is back at the race track working as crew chief for Braun Racings Jason Leffler after missing the trip last week to Mexico City because of a legal dispute with former employer Fitz Motorsports. Wolfe left Fitz Motorsports on March 25 for Braun, and Fitz Motorsports sued Braun and Wolfe in North Carolina Superior Court on April 11. Fitz Motorsports obtained a temporary restraining order to keep Wolfe from making the trip to Mexico City. Wolfe prevailed in a preliminary injunction hearing Monday that allowed him to return to the track, his attorney Clifton Homesley said Wednesday. Homesley had argued in court documents that Wolfes contract called for disputes to be decided by arbitration and not in the courts. In the complaint, Fitz alleges that Wolfe had ended the Nationwide Series teams test session March 24-25 at Richmond International Raceway early, kept confidential testing data and used that information at Braun. Not only do the two teams compete on the track, they also have competing sponsors in Great Clips (Braun) and Supercuts (Fitz). The suit is still pending in the courts in Statesville, N.C. Wolfes contract called for him to get paid $130,000 in 2007 with a $10,000 bonus for a win, $5,000 for places of second through fifth, $2,500 for places sixth through 10th, $1,000 for places 11th through 15th and $1,000 for a pole. A series title was worth a $100,000 bonus, with second-fifth in points $50,000 and sixth-10th in points worth $25,000. He also got $500 a weekend when he used his motorhome instead of a hotel room. There was an owners option for the 2008 season that increased his salary to $156,000 and increased the bonuses by 10 percent.(SceneDaily.com)(4-24-2008)