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OXFORD, ME Champion stock car driver Travis Adams will lead his home-track contingent to the American- Canadian Tours New England Dodge Dealers 150 at Oxford Plains Speedway on Saturday, April 26. Adams, of Canton, ME won the last ACT Late Model Tour event held at the fast 3/8-mile oval in October, and has captured three of the last five Late Model Track Championships there. Long touted as a potential winner in ACT competition, Adams downplayed the situation until he finally broke through in 2007. It's like you're just one of the competitive ones Oh, hes a threat to win, he told writer Travis Barrett at a press conference on Tuesday, but if you don't win, I don't really consider you a threat. Adams dropped the self-imposed illusion following his October score, a race in which he battled former Oxford Plains Speedway ACT Late Model Tour event winner Scott Dragon of Milton, VT for nearly 150 laps. He also finished third at the Time Warner Cable 100 at OPS in August, and then became the fourth OPS regular to win an ACT race, joining Ricky Rolfe (2002), Ryan Moore (2001), and two-time winner Shawn Martin (2004 and 06). Hudson, NH teenager Joey Pole Polewarczyk, Jr. won the ACT Late Model Tour season opener at Lee USA (NH) Speedway last Sunday, dominating over Rowley, MA racer Eddie MacDonald and Northfield, VTs Cris Michaud. MacDonald won the ACT Time Warner Cable 100 at Oxford Plains Speedway last August, while Polewarczyk finished third in the New England Dodge Dealers 150 last April. Michaud is a three-time Late Model Track Champion at Barre, VTs Thunder Road. All three are expected to compete on Saturday, among as many as 50 drivers from the northeastern U.S. and Canada. Green flag action for the American-Canadian Tours New England Dodge Dealers 150 at Oxford Plains Speedway begins at 2:00pm on Saturday, April 26. For more information, call ACT at (802) 244-6963 or visit www.acttour.com, or call OPS at (207) 539-8865 or visit www.oxfordplains.com. -30- Contact: Justin St. Louis Phone: (802) 244-6963 Email: media@acttour.com Fax: (802) 244-1616