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From Jayski.com: Gaunt gone from TRG Motorsports? UPDATE 2 Gaunt joins Bill Davis Racing: Hearing that Marty Gaunt has left his position as general manager for TRG Motorsports. Also hearing that some crew members are no longer with the team as well. [TRG fields teams for #7-Andy Lally and the #71-Donny Lia](4-5-2008) UPDATE: A representative from TRG confirmed that Marty Gaunt has resigned and that Butch Hylton [#7 crew chief] has assumed the role of general manager for TRG Motorsports.(4-5-2007) UPDATE 2: Bill Davis, President of Bill Davis Racing (BDR), announced today a reorganization of the company's management team. Davis, who with wife Gail has fielded teams in NASCAR for over 20 years, has added several key personnel and shifted several others within the organization. All changes are effective immediately. NASCAR veteran Marty Gaunt has been named Vice President of Bill Davis Racing. Gaunt,a native of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, began his tenure in NASCAR in 1996 and has held similar positions at Penske Racing and Team Red Bull. Gaunt was also part owner of Red Horse Racing. Mark Chambers, who previously served as team manager of BDR's highly successful NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series effort, will now assume the role of the general manager of Bill Davis Racing. Chambers, who has been with the team since 2006, takes over the GM role from Mike Brown, who will move into the position of Chief Financial Officer. In addition, Davis has hired Jim Thomas as the organization's Director of Marketing. Thomas, a Florida native, has been the Director of Business Development for Sullivan Worldwide Marketing Group, a leading strategic marketing and planning agency to the United States motorsports industry. Prior to that, he spent several years within the financial arm of Southeast Toyota.(Bill Davis Racing PR)(4-7-2008)