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Ganassi promises changes if Cup teams don't improve: Chip Ganassi wasn't pleased with his NASCAR teams long before #40-Dario Franchitti failed to qualify for Sunday's race at Texas Motor Speedway. Just how unhappy the car owner actually is became clear Saturday when he unleashed a blistering indictment of his team's performance so far this season. "Frankly, there are 46 cars there and if you can't beat three of them, that's pretty pathetic," Ganassi said on Sirius Satellite Radio. "I certainly have all the faith in the world in (Franchitti's) driving abilities. I don't think it's that. The fact of the matter is, we didn't give him a car that was capable of doing it." Although he praised the work Montoya and his # 42 crew has done to rebound from a slow start to the season, Ganassi was particularly upset with the performance of Sorenson's #41 team. The third-year driver has four finishes of 31st or worse."The 41 team, it's the same old things that take them out," he said. "One week its this, the next week it's that, and it's sort of this combination of all of the above. Everybody on the 41 team is going to have to take a good look in the mirror and ask themselves if they are prepared for what's coming down the pike." Ganassi, who was in St. Petersburg, Fla., with his IRL teams, said later Saturday he won't hesitate to make personnel changes if that's what it will take to get his teams turned in the right direction. (Associated Press/CBS Sports)(4-6-2008)