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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
i dunno about you......... but i think they should stop the nema at tis though......... there just too fast and based on how there built, i seen them race at tis last year and there were crazy..... those little cars should not be racing at a track that size.......
after 24 hours, you would think it would sink in, but its not to be,
i cant describe on how it feels on how we can lose another racer like we did yesterday, only thing that crosses my mind is on how rare a fatality happens at our local tracks these days...... and of course there will be unanswered questions like "how can we prevent this" or how could we have done anything different.... i dont think there is a deffeniate answer right now, we should all think about how far we had come in the sport in terms of these events like sunday,
i remember the tak i had with my great uncle, who was a race fan in the 30s and the 40s, and he use to tell me back in the day that racing, was basically a thrill show at your local fairgrounds, who can advert the distasters, who can advert death, but now we know that in this day in age, this is a rare form
ive seen the "blog", and there is people that say that thompson should have safer walls and a catch fence where the tragic accident happened, although i think safer walls might make a difference in terms of track safety, the last 3 fatal accidents had nothing to with these modifacations, i wont get into that but you get the idea.... futher more i think if there was a catch fence at turn 3 i do beleave it would have caused a more hazard with the car bouncing off the fence and getting tossed back into the line of trafifc..... and thus puting the other drivers in harm.....
i dont know what else to say besides that we have to move on, not just because we dont want to, WE have to, shane and other people who lost there lives in the past would not want us to stop going to races or racing period...... we just have to move on