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Busch Melee Causes Oval Office Trip: Kyle Busch paid a visit to the NASCAR hauler after Saturday's Kroger 250 Craftsman Truck Series race at Martinsville Speedway, where he wrecked Johnny Benson on the last lap while racing for second place. NASCAR officials also talked with several members of Benson's crew, who angrily confronted Busch's crew on pit road after the race. NASCAR officials said they are reviewing the actions of several members of Benson's crew. After the race, Benson was angry that he got wrecked and fell from second place to 25th, while Busch was angry that Benson's crewmembers were angry. "I just got spun out," said Benson, who unlike Busch is racing for a series championship. "I went into the corner as hard as I'd been all day and doing everything we needed to do. The 51 (Kyle Busch) - you know I don't know. It's just a shame that it had to happen. It happens a lot within this series. It's just a shame that nothing ever gets done about it." Asked what he thought should be done, Benson added, "You have got to penalize people for wrecking people. That is what needs to be done." "I hate it that we both spun out there. I was probably going to make it through there but then I got spun out, too, so I've got a reason to be upset," said Busch, who held on to the NCTS points lead despite finishing 26th. "It started with me, obviously, but it's pretty pathetic that pit crew guys want to fight when what happened is between the drivers," Busch said. "That's just unacceptable and stupid. My move was probably a pretty stupid move, people will call it, but, hey, I'm a racer. I'm going after another spot."(Tom Jensen, TruckSeries.com)(3-31-2008)
No penalties from Martinsville truck incident: NASCAR will not levy penalties against Bill Davis Racing or Billy Ballew Motorsports for the crews' shoving match that followed the Kroger 250 Craftsman Truck Series race Saturday at Martinsville Speedway, a NASCAR spokesman confirmed Tuesday. The BDR crew paid a visit to the pit stall where the Ballew crew was located after Ballew's Kyle Busch attempted a pass on the inside for second against BDR's Johnny Benson on the final lap - a move that was unsuccessful and resulted in Busch's truck tapping Benson's and sending both into a spin.(SceneDaily.com)(4-2-2008)