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I am going to TRY and keep up with this for the 2008 season. So before the season starts here are some of my thoughts.
1. Whelen Engineering is the Tour's BIGGEST fan. Phil Kurze deserves a HEARTFELT Thank You from all of us. Backing both the Whelen and Whelen Southern Modified Tours for another 10 years shows his belief in the division.
2. The Whelen Southern Tour has become a force to be reckoned with. As rude as this may sound, it was once almost a "cakewalk" for the Northern teams to go to any Southern event. Since the creation of the Whelen Southern Modifed Tour the gap has narrowed each season. L.W. Miller's win at Caraway against top Northern teams and drivers, I think, will be a continuing trend. I look forward to the "true" battle at Martinsville Speedway.
3. The "Superteam" formations. It has happened in "the big three" and is beggining to happen on the Tour. It might be two under-financed teams becoming one, or the young driver with the budget stepping into a top-notch car. Either way, the caliber of teams and talent is definitely increasing. This is not only happening on the Northern Tour, but the Southern as well. I believe Andy Suess and Rigg's Racing will become a major player down South.
4. Car counts. This is a topic people seem to have problems with all the time. Teams merging, teams retiring, will there be a good field. The way I see it is as long as the number of cars to show at each race matches the number to start, there is NO PROBLEM. It is nice to see 50 cars show at a track, but when 26 start... do you see where I am headed. It's a pick and chose for alot of teams. I think it adds to the excitement not knowing what driver will be at each event. This year, more than ever, I think we will see several new drivers run partial schedules. Erick Rudolph, Mike Leaty, and Mike Herman are just some of the new names running part-time this season. Also look for Jan Leaty to return to the Tour for selected events as well. I personally believe this will be one very competitive season.
5. SK, Sunoco, SST, Etc. Say what you will about these divisions, but you should PRAISE them. Without the divisions, most of the talent we watch race today would probably not be in a Modified. Look at the Tour Roster, then trace the drivers history. Several still compete in some type of SK Modified now. I think one way to really help the Southern Tour would be to find tracks where a SK Type Modified Division could start. Perhaps Caraway, Ace, or Southern National. And now with the creation of SK Lights, Modified Lights and others there are even more training grounds available. Each time a young driver and or team starts in one of these divisions, a possible future Tour driver, and or team has been created.
6. Engines. I hope the new spec engine catches on. There MUST be some way of getting every RoC, TVMRS, and Whelen Tour car equal. If all these cars and the Riverhead, Spencer, Dunn(Lancaster) cars could compete equally imagine the possibilities. I can remember 100+ cars at the Thompson 300, it could easily happen again. Anyone who doubts this, do a car count at Thompson's Modified Madness.
7. And finally speaking of the Thompson 300. Bring it back.... BUT. NON-TOUR OPEN COMPETITION. Needs to be at least $15K to win, and should be at least $2K to start. 36 car starting field that would have NO PROVISIONALS. NO Time Trials, Heat Races. No more than 12 cars to a heat, I have seen heats with 20 plus cars and they wonder why it is a crash fest when 6 make the show. Depending on car count , 4 to 6 cars qualify from each Heat . Remaining cars will qualify from B-main, or mains depending on car counts. Once again no more than 12 cars to start. Ben Dodge where are you? He could make this happen.
After I had originally posted this, I noticed the new schedule for the Race of Champions Modified Tour. Maybe we will see more drivers from that Tour attempt Whelen Tour races this season.
Just some thoughts, thanx for reading them. -WMT-
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 02:27, 2008-03-30