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Mike Bliss to the #1? Mike Bliss [currently driving the #22 for Fitz Motorsports] has emerged as the front-runner in a three-driver race to take over the Nationwide Series driving duties for Spartanburg-based Phoenix Racing, sources say. According to the sources, the team is expected to make a decision within the next day or two. If Bliss is chosen, his first race would be April 5 at Texas Motor Speedway. Sterling Marlin, who drove the team's Nationwide Series Chevy last weekend at Nashville, will continue to drive a limited Cup schedule for Phoenix Racing.(Spartanburg Herald Journal)(3-26-2008)
UPDATE: Mike Bliss has left Fitz Motorsports for Phoenix Racing, a Fitz spokesperson has confirmed. To fill the void at Fitz, Robby Gordon has agreed to drive the #22 Supercuts entry in at least the next two Nationwide events, at Texas and Phoenix. Gordon is unavailable for the April 20 Mexico 200 Nationwide event because he'll be competing in the rescheduled Dakar Rally. It's a curious move for Bliss, who ranks fifth in the Nationwide Series after six events, 120 points out of the lead. In contrast, Phoenix Racing struggled to 17th in the standings through five races with Johnny Sauter in the seat before releasing him. He was replaced by Sterling Marlin for the most recent Nationwide event at Nashville. When asked why Bliss would make the move, the spokesperson said, "It's always about the bottom line," later adding, "Everyone was looking out for themselves and their families." But she added there was no ill will between Bliss and his now-former team.(Long Island Press)(3-28-2008)