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#21 Crew chief leaves team: Gene Nead, crew chief for the #21 Wood Brothers Racing Sprint Cup car, has left the team, team officials confirmed Monday morning. Nead joined the Wood Brothers in November 2007 after a stint with Robby Gordon Motorsports. With a variety of drivers this year Bill Elliott, Johnny Sauter and Jeff Green the Wood Brothers have failed to qualify for four of the five events. The team is 44th in owners points and has had to qualify for races on speed but should be OK for the race in Martinsville because with Dale Jarretts retirement and Kurt Busch now being locked in with points, Elliott is expected to be the only past champion who isnt locked into the field. The team has not yet named a replacement for Nead.(SceneDaily)(3-24-2008)
UPDATE: We had a whole bunch of testing planned, to go out and just race more and go through some things and figure them out, [#22-Dave] Blaney [of Bill Davis Racing] said. We needed the days to try to learn something, but we missed out on a couple. Instead, the #22 Cat team will attempt to make up for lost time this week before going to Martinsville. Mondays workout will be at a short track in North Carolina in preparation for Martinsville, while Tuesday and Wednesday in Nashville are for general testing. Well try to learn all we can this week, Blaney said. Since Bristol, the Cat team has added Gene Nead, who left a year ago to join another team. Hes coming back, Blaney said of the crew member whose role will most likely be that of engineer. Hes very good, Blaney said of Nead, who will help crew chief Tommy Baldwin in all phases. If you can add some people to make your team stronger, no matter when, thats a good thing. Hopefully, itll give us a little shot in the arm and turn it around.(Youngstown Vindicator)(3-24-2008)