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You are correct there on the most money,,,and it is a fact Ryan Preece has the most money and will drive the 3 car......Santos gets screwed out of another ride..
Correct anon. All I wanna say is good luck to Preece and the whole 3 team. The 40 is good equipment, the 3 is good equipment, and Bobby and Preece are both good drivers. Hopefull Bobby can get something together. One last thing, Preece and Santos weren't the only 2 names who were seriously considered for the ride.
yes the car is great, yes it could win the ice breaker.. yes now they do know --More-- about the tracks.. If you guys would just get to know ryan, i met him at speedway expo. The kid a unbeilable kid and knows how to present himslef.. He keeps his head on his shoulders.. he even let my kid sit in the car.. the kid is a great kid... I actualy saw ryan race way back when he was in a micro back at Mahoning, he has a shoe, it just takes time to develope. This year i will bet his colors will show
Well afohlin you always think you know what your talking bout but yet I always prove you wrong...Its not the same deal Bobby had cause if it was he would still be in the car...Nothing against Ryan I think hes gona do allright in that car....but the fact is he came up with the most money!!! end of story!!!!You would amazed at what Mike Boehler asks for....
how would you know if what he asked for is what he got, and what makes you think he grew up wiht the most money, Theres a good quote "If You dont know for sure, dont say anything" Because im pretty sure if i wanted to call Preece up.. which i could.. he could tell me the whole deal. and im 100% sure that you are wrong because i talk to his father. And what you think, is not what it may be.
Because I KNOW 2 GUYS ON THE 3 team...and they told me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thats how I KNOW!!!! So call up his dad and ask him then!!!!
really and whta did they tell you.. because all he is coverin is the tire bill bud and thats sponsor money and paying a guy that they wanted to work at the shop full time.. and thats sponsor money too.. so tell me.. now you just made a ass of yourself online.. which no offence alot of people do.
Ya, definatley check ur facts on those numbers. They are saving a ton of money by not having to run all their own stuff. Also, they are bringing sponsorship too, so its not like all of it is out of pocket.