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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
1. Eric Beers will have a good year in the #46. 2. Ryan Preece will be the first on the Tour to run a Spec Motor. 3. Ronnie Silk will prove that the 79's performance for the last 3 years was not driver related. 4. Matt Hirschman will remain winless on the Tour.(can you say Harry Gant?) 5. There will be a first time Tour Champion in 08.
Why are you hating on MAtt Hirschman??? He is gona break through this year and in a big way!!!!!I will give him 3 wins this year...I dont get "can you say Harry Gant"......whats that all about??
Why are you hating on MAtt Hirschman??? He is gona break through this year and in a big way!!!!!I will give him 3 wins this year...I dont get "can you say Harry Gant"......whats that all about??
Harry Gant was always a brides maid, never a bride. I question if Hirschman can win a race where they have REAL Tech. if you know what I mean. wink. wink. In 2005 they built him up as the shoe in rookie of the year in 06 and the next super star. How did that work out?
Their ROC car is totally LEGAL pal!!!!!!!!! Get a clue and dont run your mouth on a topic you NO nothing about!!!! The only reason reason everyone hates on Matt and his 60 car is cause they are jealous they cant get your car to turn like that ....ANd if I remember Harry Gant won like six races in a row at 1 point!!! I dont even know why I responded to you...you really dont have a clue about what ur talking about.....P.S. The more sh$% you guys talk the more we and Matt take it as compliment......
All right kiddies, the thread started as someones predictions on the 08 season and has turned into a school yard name calling contest.
I personally don't want to read posts containing childish tit for tat banter and I'm sure a lot of others don't as well.
Some of you both members and anon have some interesting and insightful things to say, while a few of you both members and anon are testing my patience.
So far I think we have allowed you guys a lot of lee-way but that unfortunately if were forced to might have to change, so let's not have a few ruin it for everyone else.
All right kiddies, the thread started as someones predictions on the 08 season and has turned into a school yard name calling contest.
I personally don't want to read posts containing childish tit for tat banter and I'm sure a lot of others don't as well.
Some of you both members and anon have some interesting and insightful things to say, while a few of you both members and anon are testing my patience.
So far I think we have allowed you guys a lot of lee-way but that unfortunately if were forced to might have to change, so let's not have a few ruin it for everyone else.
OK enough of the brawling, let's get back to RACING. Anyhow here are a few of my predictions for 2008.
1. The #79 will be in victory lane on the WMT and WSMT. 2. Matt Hirschman will take at least 1 WMT win. 3. TC will come up bridesmaid. 4. Jimmy Blewett will be WMT Champion. 5. The 75-lap ALL GREEN event at Thompson will be the first of MANY ALL GREEN Events in the future.