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Why does it matter who is the first with the spec engine? The purpose is to be more cost effective with engines. If the engine is comparable/competitive to the overpriced built motors, what's the shame/harm in utilizing this option that NASCAR is giving you?
Anon, what difference does it make if Preece's family has money to burn or operate on a low budget? The driver just completed his rookie season on the WMT. Give him some time to mature and learn some of these tracks.
P.S. If you're not willing to sign up to a screen name here, could you at least sign your name to your posts towards some accountability.
Do you guys think a spec motor can win a wmt race this year? I say after about 3-4 races after all the cry babies get thre ways with the rules. JMO
IMO, a spec motor would win multiple races in its inagural season. Its something where even if they aren't as competetative as those 50-60k motors, NASCAR would give spec cars weight breaks much like crate motor cars in other divisions.
Do you guys think a spec motor can win a wmt race this year? I say after about 3-4 races after all the cry babies get thre ways with the rules. JMO
IMO, a spec motor would win multiple races in its inagural season. Its something where even if they aren't as competetative as those 50-60k motors, NASCAR would give spec cars weight breaks much like crate motor cars in other divisions.
I think it would depend on who's in the seat pushin the gas
I do not not usually jump into subjects of opinion, but this one I wanted to.
I think we need to look at the Camping World East Series to see if a "Spec Motor" can compete with the outrageously priced motors... the answer is a BIG YES, at half the cost.
As for drivers having families with big money, well unfortunately we all know the sayings. Jus remember that without these so called "spoiled rich kids" there would be two cars at each race.
Quite frankly guys I believe comparing bgn east to mod tour is a big step what I'm getting at is do you really think all the top east teams especially the primadonnas down south use the same crate engine every week I seriously doubt it. Kobyluck has 5 spec engines in rotation. Where is the savings?
I will try top clarify the savings a little. While 5 motors sounds like alot, at less than half the cost of a regular engine the money spent is more like 3 engines. So while it may sound crazy, teams do actually save money. And not all teams are buying 5 engines, but can have a main and spare for less than the price of one no-spec engine.
To me all this seems is another way for NASCAR to pad their pockets, while trying to seem like they are trying to help the teams. You have a 26K engine that you can't rebuild, and I can almost guarantee that the price will go up. When Wegner first built this engine it cost around 15 grand, and now its close to 30? That's NASCAR at work for you. So you will have 2 options, a Spec engine for roughly 10 grand less then a built engine that is basically junk when you need a refresh, or a built engine that might cost 10 grand more (less if you do some hunting, I've seen top notch tour engines sell for under 25 grand near new). And to boot you can freshen your built engine, so you can keep running it year after year with maintenance. While that build ups over years, it is better then spending close to 30 grand a year on buying a new engine.