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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
That is actually Zach Sylvester in the Don Dorman 09 run out of the Jay Miller Racing shop. Zach finished the year in that car for Jay after he had his serious neck injury.
Ben; you finally saw this. Even I caught this earlier and was waiting for you to respond.
One thing that's definitely interesting, I assume that was a regular 35 lap feature and a full field of 26 cars are taking the green, havent seen that in awhile, and 2003 wasn't all that long ago.......
Wheeler, You bring up a good point the car counts have been dwindling at all three area tracks over the last few year. Many of the cars in this picture no longer compete at any of the local track and must be sitting in barns or garages resting dew to lack of money. All please share you thoughts on this matter.
Afetr seeing only 8 Sks run every race at the bowl, money as everyone know is a major problem from ownership, sponsors, crew guys, just about top to bottom.
Looking at the points, five cars that would have run the full season and two more that would have been part timers left as a direct result of officiating. I'm sure that happens every year but when the car counts sag under 20, 5 cars is alot.
You both bring up some very interesting points. Sponsorship money is probably the number one cause for low car counts at all three area tracks this year. The cost of doing business in the state of Connecticut is out of control and business are keeping tighter control on the money they spend on advertising. With lower car counts, there are also less people in the stands which means that there are fewer people viewing the sponsors logos on the race cars. Also, available crew members to help maintain the race cars during the week and at the track is becoming a problem because of the high cost of attending race events.
Now with the problem of officiating. In my opinion I would like to rate the three area tracks starting with worst, Thompson.
As far as the officials and the tech department, there really isn't one. It's nothing more than a run what you brung show.
Even though the Arute's think their last name is France, they are not the France family. They are definitely the first to introduce state of the art safety devices to the speedway. Such as lighting, safer barrier walls and an all around good safety program. It is my belief that when it comes to tech and conduct on the race track the Arute's have been known to have blinders on.
The Bowl is in the process of making changes. They have a new race director and new promoters. Steve H. had made a few decisions this past season that may not have been 100% correct, but we need to give him credit for standing behind his decisions, right or wrong. Steve is aware that he needs to revamp his staff, tech and race officials. The position of race director at any level of racing is a thankless job. Any decision that is made will please some of the people and displease the rest. Let's give the Bowl staff one more chance. RMF
-- Edited by real modified fan at 21:00, 2007-11-24
Great post RMF, and some good points as well Warren. One thing that I have seen brought up on other boards that could be, in an ironic way, another factor in dwindling SK car counts at the three tracks is the divisions that were started in the first place to develop future SK drivers and teams......The SK Lite, Thompson Mod, and X Mod divisions.
Now I know the TIS Mods and X Mods don't exactly have stellar car counts, but the SK Lite car count at Stafford was higher than the SK car count on several nights this past season.
Wheeler, I agree Staffords SK Lite division has become a big success with large car counts each week. This division has already seen some drivers graduate to the SK wars M.Sweeny, S. Perry, Matt Gallo, W.Arute and others. TIS & Bowl hasn't shared the same success with there jr SK divisions. Any thoughts on were there going wrong.??? RMF
well first off thompson shot themselves in the foot by bringing in a west coast modified. sk starter divisons are more appealing when the class uses an sk chassis which the tis mod doesnt. waterfords problem is that they run the x mods on wednesday. the class and drivers dont get to show what they've got in front of the the sk drivers and car owners and that class just doesnt get the weekly attention the sk lights do.
For SK's to survive there must be a tire rule and a crate motor option. You are correct there is a lot of cars in garages and no money to race them. Stafford has just cut the tire bill in half with the 2 tire a week rule. Now if they want more cars, they need a crate option, pay a bonus ($500) for the first crate across the line - this is how they started the small block era. John Rosati used to win the bonus almost everyweek back in the day. This is also how stafford got cars to come from riverside they paid a 340 bonus.
Matt, I agree with you 100% on both of your theories, surprisingly the Bowl's grandstands are pack on a Wednesday night but it's not with real race fan. I agree the Bowl needs to run the X Mods on Sat nights to grow that div. SIG, Thanks for your input, the three tracks need to implement a REAL TIRE RULE I belieive the True Value Series has the best rule going. Your allowed three tires and event, every 3rd show you can have four, you can't by tires in advance tires are distributed the day of the event. They use a soft compond and the price is approx 130.00 per tire. Also crate motors are the way to go if SK racing is to survive. RMF