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by Dick Jordan INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. -- The 2007 USAC Ford Focus campaign concludes November 22 with the California Pavement race at Irwindale (Calif.) Speedway as part of the annual Turkey Night Grand Prix program.
Tim Skoglund is headed for his second straight California pavement title, while Tim Savage of Herriman, Utah claimed the 2007 Utah Developmental championship despite not competing in Saturdays series finale at Lake Havasu City, Ariz.
Daniel Adler of Columbia, Ill. and Robby Josett of Aqua Dulce, Calif. won feature events at Havasu 95 Speedway in Lake Havasu City, Ariz. Friday and Saturday respectively. Adler won Fridays 30-lap California Pavement feature in his Ron Suttons Winners Circle entry, leading the final two laps after teammate Mark Atkinsons spin. Josett, Skoglund, fast qualifier Caitlin Shaw and Atkinson rounded out the top-five.
Josett won Saturdays scheduled 30-lap California Pavement/Utah Developmental feature, which was halted after Beau DeBards flip on lap 28. DeBard was treated at a Las Vegas hospital and released. Shaw led the first 21 laps and Josett led the final six in his RL & Sons Construction/Swann Motorsports Spike. Shaw finished second ahead of Atkinson, Skoglund and Nic Faas.