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How many weeks you think this will last? 2 tire rules IMO are nuts, the rule should be 3 tires per week. All two tires does is put you at a disadvantage every so many weeks (maybe every other week with a Hoosier) when you need a left rear tire.
I understand it's to save money but this is also the top weekly class at the track, if the $150 or so a week in savings is going to make a big difference maybe the whole class needs to be looked at.
I'm sure there are some/twenty areas racers could look at to save around $3500 a year if it's a problem, like under the hood.
Warren ,it wont be a disadvantage when every team on the track has to follow the same rules, the team with the best tire management plan will run well. With that being said I agree with you that there is much more to do to help with the cost of the sport. The problem you could have with a rule like this is with a team thats fast but does not run every week, will the track keep them to two tires or let them buy four if they only run once a month or even less than that.
I know everyone is at the same disadvantage, that's a given, but why play game like this when the highest racing division has probably the worse racing in the state. Now throw in someone hanging on with an old right front or right rear and it just doesn't make sense to me.
2 tires on one week, 3 on the next would be a better deal.
I think the tire rule is a good idea, it doesn't mean you have to run two new tires a week, you can run two wks on the same set and put 4 on the next. I believe the compond is right to be able to do that but not sure only time and testing will tell. 4 new tires every other week is cutting your tire bill in half. Yes i agree the engine needs to be looked at next, let us run a crate!!! then tires won't be such an issue.