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Saw a RUMOR post about NASCAR possibly being for sale (thanx Scott), and had a little idea I thought I would share.
For years now allot of Tour fans have felt getting away from NASCAR was the best thing the Tour could do. I now believe I am joining that group.
While the NASCAR title definitely adds credibilty to the Tour, it is also holding it back . The lack of venues on the schedule reflects this in my opinion.
I have recently also read RUMOR posts of Ben Dodge possibly starting a new Modified Tour. Here's where my idea comes in.
Leave the Tours and or Series we have alone (R.O.C, TVMRS etc.), but what once was the NASCAR Tour would now become Ben Dodge's new OPEN COMP Modified Tour. A run what you brung Tour of $10,000 to win events. It seems without the cost of being a NASCAR event that most tracks are doing big money OPEN COMP events anyways, so why not organize them all into one Tour with an overall champion. Think of the tracks and events that this Tour could include, New Smyrna's "Richie Evans Memorial 100", the "JB III Memorial North South Shoot-Out" at Concord Motorsports Park, the "Tom Baldwin 77" at Riverhead, Oxford Plains Speedway during "250 Weekend", are just some events I can think of. Other tracks could be Waterford, Stafford, Thompson, Seekonk, Lee, All-Star, Canaan, Riverhead, Spencer, Lancaster, Holland, Chemung, Wall, Caraway, Ace, Friendship, Motor Mile, Greenville-Pickens, Southern National, and Martinsville just for starters. All these tracks host some type of Modified Touring events now.
Without the extra cost of paying NASCAR, I bet most these tracks could host a MAJOR Modified event with a large purse.
Just an idea.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 23:36, 2007-10-30
Overall, I think its a great idea. Ben will not be starting his own modified tour, at least not this year. He is going to be working hand in hand with the True Value Tour, and helping them grow. The modifieds are meant to run on bullrings. Most of those bullrings have gotten out of NASCAR sanction because its costs way too much money. The limited number of tracks on the tour is a major drawback. I wouldn't mind NASCAR leaving the tour, as long as the tour has a good escape plan, and 20 10k to win races would be awesome.