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From W Thompson International Speedway Monday, October 29, 2007 Thompsons Flea Market this Weekend
by Russ Dowd
THOMPSON, Conn. -- Don Hoenigs Original Automotive Swap meet and Flea Market will open for the 36th time this weekend, November 3rd & 4th, on the grounds of the Thompson International Speedway. Over 1,500 vendors and literally thousands of buyers will gather at the historic speedway for this annual, two-day, buy, swap and sell event.
Like so many things, Don Hoenigs Original Automotive Swap Meet and Flea Market began with only a few vendors and a few hundred buyers. But, the success of that very first event proved that it had the potential to grow quickly. However, nobody envisioned the growth to be as rapid as it was or to become as famous as it has. The Thompson Automotive Swap Meet and Flea Market is now one of the largest events of its kind in the country.
The sprawling Thompson International Speedway complex offers over one hundred acres of display area. It includes the Speedways huge pit area, race track, infield and acres of open space behind the track. Visitors can expect to see everything from well equipped display trailers offering new automotive items of every possible description to an old pick up truck filled with items that have been taking up space in a persons garage or cellar. The variety is amazing and the wheeling and dealing is a classic New England tradition.
Those wishing to sell items may purchase a space (15 X 30) for seventy five dollars for the weekend. Sellers are admitted beginning at 5 AM both Saturday and Sunday. Sellers wishing to secure a preferred space may arrive on Friday between10AM and 8 PM for the opportunity to choose an area and to set up their display one day ahead of the opening. Friday entrance will cost an additional $25.00. Buyers have the deal of the year with an admission fee of only $10.00. There is something for everyone.
Anyone with questions may consult the Thompson International Speedway web site at www.thompsonspeedway.com the staff in the Speedway office is also prepared to answer questions. Callers should dial 860-923-2280. The event is held rain or shine.