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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
THOMPSON, Conn. -- Thompson International Speedway is accepting applications for car number renewals. For ease and convenience, the 2008 registration forms may be accessed from the front page of the Thompson web site.
As in previous years, any driver who secured track points with a registered car number will have until January 15, 2008 to renew that number. If the number is not renewed, it will then be assigned to the first person requesting the number. That determination is made by the date that each request is received at the Thompson Speedway office. If a number is being requested that was not used in the 2007 season, it will be awarded on a first come-first served basis.
The 2008 registration form should be downloaded from the Thompson web site. They are also available by calling the Thompson International Speedway track office.
The car number/ driver information form should be completely filled out and mailed or faxed to the track office. This form is also used to generate information for payroll. Therefore, track officials ask that you take your time in completing the form to be sure all information needed is there and is neat and legible. Forms that cant be read will be returned to the sender.
There is no charge to competitors to reserve a number. However, if a number is secured and then not used by June 30, 2008, that number will become available to another competitor.
Teams are reminded that Thompson will accept requests for one and two digit numbers only. Letters or symbols of any kind will not be accepted as part of the cars official number.
Race teams are urged to get their numbers secured for next season as soon as possible. Each year a few teams put off the renewal process only to find that their number has been assigned to someone else. This is especially troublesome for teams that have already had their racecars lettered before the number is registered and approved by the track. By renewing your cars number now, you will avoid such problems.
Any questions dealing with this process will be answered by calling the Thompson Speedway track office at (860)-923-2280. The procedure is also explained on the tracks web site www.thompsonspeedway.com