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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Ok, to me it looked like Ky Busch was ahead of Gordo but I could be wrong. What I thought was funny was when the TV anouncers said they were reviewing the tape to see the order of Ky & gordo. I figure it is just another case of the anouncers not knowing what they are talking about because they use the transponders and 'loops' to determine position when the yellow comes out, or.... was it something funny going on because Ky was ahead by the loop data.....
The thing that I thought was absolute bs was the #6 of Ragan spun out in the middle of turn 1, with his drivers door facing the leaders bearing down on him and Nascar held the caution until the #48 crossed the start finish line, giving him the white and caution flags thus ending the race and any shot the #12 had at a green white checker restart.
If indeed what people are thinking and saying lately about Cup races seeming rigged at times, if there is any merit to it and their puting drivers in danger to do it........just a little food for thought........
It wouldn't have mattered where the yellow came out. The rule is only one shot at a green/white/checker. As soon as they went green the race was over with any yellow flag.
I didn't think they threw the yellow with the white, I thought they waited even longer as the leaders got half way to one. The one shot ruling is probably why they held it off as long as possible.