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DEI workers blamed for airborne shot at Bobby Ginn: Three DEI employees who allegedly planned and paid for a derogatory banner to fly over Lowes Motor Speedway last weekend have been fired. The banner, which read, How much does Bobby Ginn owe you? was pulled by a plane and flown over Lowes before the start of last Saturday nights race. The banner was directed at the former NASCAR team owner, who allowed his organization to be acquired by DEI after just one year of ownership, leaving about 100 people out of a job. But Kasey Brooks, Mike Clark and Greg Price were hired by DEI after the merger, and are believed to be responsible for the banner. Clark and Price were fabricators at DEI, and Brooks worked in the parts department. We addressed the situation internally, dealt with it appropriately and were quite frankly embarrassed that this situation ever arose, DEI general manager John Story said. There have been grumblings throughout the garage that Ginn owes former employees back salaries, and drivers Sterling Marlin and Joe Nemechek and two crew chiefs have sued him for payment. That lawsuit is in the final stages of being settled, and Ginn sent a Sept. 27 letter to most of his former employees that promised back-owed team bonuses would be paid in full via an Oct. 3 direct deposit.(AP/Thatsracin)(10-20-2007)