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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
That is pretty bold! Are all the other teams supposed to bow at their feet? What if the 15 stopped out on pit road to let them out and blocked someone else or got hit out on pit road by another driver? Who do the 20 crew think they are? The 15 is worried about the 15 not where the 20 is running, I am sure that if the roles were reversed Tony & Zippy would have done the same thiong and said it was the 15's responsibility to watch where he was going. Heck, they dumped the 11 while running 1st & 2nd earlier this year! They really need a reality check. They were pulling out and need to watch what was going on and they screwed up but can't take the blame, not once but twice and even said they were yelling over the radio instead of watching when they hit Kahne.
Note to Zippy & Tony, "get a grip and get over yourselves"!
That is pretty bold! Are all the other teams supposed to bow at their feet? What if the 15 stopped out on pit road to let them out and blocked someone else or got hit out on pit road by another driver? Who do the 20 crew think they are? The 15 is worried about the 15 not where the 20 is running, I am sure that if the roles were reversed Tony & Zippy would have done the same thiong and said it was the 15's responsibility to watch where he was going. Heck, they dumped the 11 while running 1st & 2nd earlier this year! They really need a reality check. They were pulling out and need to watch what was going on and they screwed up but can't take the blame, not once but twice and even said they were yelling over the radio instead of watching when they hit Kahne.
Note to Zippy & Tony, "get a grip and get over yourselves"!
well theres been alot of this going on lately..... as the chase hits it climax, denny hamlin at dover slams kyle petty and we get that impression that the non chasers should just roll over and play dead. this is why i dont like the chase.... people that are in the chase thinks that people should yeild to them... get rid of the chase and let these people race for legit postions in the points.......
as for the pit road deal...... there is 1 answer to that. too many cars on pitroad and that is the lucky dawg rule, we did not have that rule there would not be as many cars on the lead lap as we have in the past.... 9 yellows = 9 extra cars on the lead lap...... that causes ore trouble on pit road then anything else........ i always said this in the past but if your are 1 car behind the leader when the yellow comes out, and the field is frozen...... guess what, YOUR STILL A LAP DOWN!!!!! if the drivers dont like that then theres a saying thats been said for the last 40 years... "THATS RACING"