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2008 Driver Lineup Taking Shape: The driver lineup for several Nationwide Series teams for 2008 is shaping up. Current series points leader Carl Edwards will run the full season against next year, a Roush Fenway Racing spokesman said, and Michael Waltrip Racing officials said David Reutimann would also run the full Nationwide schedule. Marcos Ambrose and Kelly Bires will return to race full time for Wood Brothers/JTG Racing next year, a team spokesman confirmed. Brewco Motorsports hopes to have one driver for each car next year, new team owner Gary Baker said Friday. One driver in the mix, likely for the # 37, is Baker's son, Brad, who was entered at Lowe's Motor Speedway. The other driver is anticipated to be Brad Coleman, sources said. Coleman was a part of Brewco until he signed with Joe Gibbs Racing for this season. Fitz Motorsports owner Armando Fitz said there is a 95 percent chance that Mike Bliss would drive the team's #22 Dodge in all 35 Nationwide races next year. Fitz said the team has sold sponsorship for every race, and Bliss wants to drive for the team. An announcement could come before the race in Memphis in two weeks. Gillett Evernham Motorsports could expand to two full-time teams next year, a source close to the team said. The rides would be split among the team's Cup drivers, with development drivers likely filling in, too. (SceneDaily.com), see the 2008 Nationwide Team Chart for a look at drivers and teams currently expected to compete next year.(10-12-2007)