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I think anyone that races or attends thompson this weekend - except the tour because they have a sweet deal of $25 pit fee - is an idiot. $75 to get in the pits and $50 in the stands. You are crazy - boycott!!!!!!!
75 bucks is a crazy amount to pay to go to the races, but honestly I like racing so much I'd pay that much. I'd pay 150 bucks to watch a good tour race. Supermodifieds are crazy fast and its overall good racing. Gonna be a great time.
Well let's see, if I wanted to take my family of 5 to races this weekend and just went into the grandstand, it would cost $170 in addmission fees (3 adults and 2 child tix). Figure at the min we would spend $20 on food and refreshments (I would bring my own food also) and at least $50 for gas there and back twice (only going two of the three days). = $240 for the weekend.
Now if i brought my car to race - $440 addmission fees (4 pits, 2 adults and 2 kids in the stands) plus gas (add another $50 for the hauler) $100. = $540 for the weekend.
Now if i was on the sweet deal tour has 10 pit fees for $250.00 - THAT"S FAIR
I agree SJG, and definitely sympathize with your position as I am attending this weekend, but don't have the financial burden of paying for a family or a race team to attend.
I think we might have somewhere in this section had this discussion before and I'll say once again that I think Thompson management really needs to offer a three day pass for $50, a two day pass for $40 and a one day pass for $30 for the pits, (This is being realistic with what other tracks charge these days and the amount of divisions and actual racing you can see this weekend.) and say a two day $40 ticket and a one day $30 ticket for the grandstands.
OWR, that's a smart idea. I was planning on going to Thompson for Sunday only, but I knew that I had to get other plans once I saw the $50 price of admission. No, I was not in the mood to pay that much for less than half of the scheduled program! Why doesn't anyone get this strange idea to make a deal for a weekend like this: If someone only plans on coming to the final day of the weekend, sweeten the deal by lowering the price! I'm sure that I would have gone if the cost was $30 per ticket. At least that wouldn't have been hefty on anyone's wallet.
I know a lot of people who didn't go just because of the price to get into the pits. One of the NEMA drivers i know didn't have a crew because they didn't want to pay to get in. I'll agree that the track owners are greedy. Just look at their swap meet. Over 1,000 venders at 75 bucks each, then a few thousand people at 10 bucks each, with no fees to pay, 100% profit basically. Thompson NEEDS 1. Season passes 2. One Day Tickets and 3. Lower pricing. Also, put some money back into the track to put up new lighting and those already purchased aluminum grandstands instead of building a man-made lake in front of every family members mansion.
I do not see $50 being too much IF YOU GO ALL THREE DAYS. But something should be done for those that do not. I also think the pit fee is CRAZY!!!! These are the guys putting on the show. Judging by the results, there was not the usual massive amount of cars. I can remember years where Late Model Heat Races had 24 cars each. I still belive in the "less in more" factor. An example for this would be Lebanon Valley. I don't think I have ever paid more than $25 for even a big race there. I have to agree something needs to change.
I didn't go cause of the ridiculous pricing. But as long as they get the crowds they get for weekends like that, nothing's gonna change. Afohlin is right on the mark with his 3 points.
Some great points made by all, and a good little thread we have goin here.
Another thing that I always go back to, and we probably might have discussed it here before and I have definitely seen it discussed on other boards, is the Mini Stock, or Strictly Stock guys who are racing for a couple hundred bucks to win ( If their lucky enough to.) having to pay the $75 and as SJG said, say they want to bring there family along to watch them race?
As WMT pointed out the car counts seemed down from years past, and there were a few empty boards in the bleachers. So maybe the begining of the over pricing biting Thompson in the backside is starting.
ive heard for the whole weekend that TIS is the best place to bring the family to the races......... but if you think of it it is most expensive place to bring a family there....... if you think of it.. a family could really rack up a 150 dollar bill very quickly...... before the races even begin...... heres what i come up with off the top of my head........
2 adults = 100 bucks
2 kids = 20 bucks.....
4 cheeseburgs = 12 bucks
2 fries = 6 bucks
1 program = 7 bucks
that comes out to 145 right there....... how can it be a family fun afternoon when you have to pay this much for a sunday???? nevermind 2 days....