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Olsen Quietly Ends 12-Year Run With 15th Place Finish>>>
Dover, Del. (September 22, 2007): NASCAR Busch East Series two-time champion (2001 & 2006) bid his fond farewell to point chasing Friday night with a 15th place finish in the Sunoco 150 at Dover International Speedway. The 39-year-old driver completed an amazing 12-year run with sponsor Little Trees and finished sixth in the 2007 point standings.
It was a hard day, admitted Olsen. We struggled getting this car dialed in all weekend, and its the last race of our last season. Ive done this for the past 12 years, and going out with a top-15 finish was not the exclamation point we wanted to put on this teams legacy.
Olsen brought the same Little Trees Chevrolet to Dover that he posted a top-10 finish with last year, but the car definitely didnt react as well as it did that short time ago. The team made wholesale changes after an unsatisfying practice session Thursday afternoon, but wasnt able to put those changes to the test until qualifying. In time trials, Olsen posted a speed of 143.358 mph and was lined up 25th on the starting grid.
Olsen gained two spots before the first caution waved at lap five and gained three more after the race resumed at lap 14, however, his forward progression would soon be thwarted by handling problems. The team came in at lap 41 and crew chief Harry Norcross made a track bar adjustment before sending him back into the race.
The green flew once again at lap 48 with Olsen in 21st, but the two-time Champion knew the problem hadnt been solved.
The car was free at times, and tight at others, Olsen explained. We came in for another adjustment but we just couldnt get the car hooked up. No matter what we tried it just didnt seem to work.
Olsen and the Little Trees crew continued to make adjustments during caution periods - finally finding something that appeared to work as the race neared its conclusion.
We were running speeds similar to that of the front runners, but by that time, we just had too far to go. Im disappointed that I couldnt finish the year with a win, but at the same time, I have to hand it to this crew. They never gave up and we were able to pull out a top-15 finish.
As announced earlier this year, Mike Olsen will step away from the NASCAR Busch East Series as a full-time competitor and concentrate on car-ownership in the 2008 season. Car-Freshner Corporation, maker of Little Trees will end what has been the longest running non-family sponsorship in the history of the Busch East Series.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 08:51, 2007-09-26