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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
LOUDON, N.H. -- Fresh off a win at the 24 hours of Zolder in Belgium, Max Dumarey was prepared to continue an upward trend in his NASCAR Busch East Series progression at New Hampshire International Speedway. But on lap 106, Dumarey was spun out of contention and ultimately out of the Aubuchon Hardware 125. The driver of the #16 BODYCOACH.NET Chevrolet finished the event with a 36th place finish.
The 37 just hit me, Dumarey said. We wouldnt have been in the top-five or anything, but we were headed for a top-15 finish. To just take someone out for one position is ridiculous.
Dumarey started the race from the 29th position with a caution slowing the field after the first circuit. On the restart, Dumarey, trying to avoid the mayhem of over-anxious drivers, veered outside of his lane to avoid any collisions. NASCAR blackflagged him.
I just checked out of my line because there would have been a crash if I had stayed there, Dumarey said. I didnt pass anyone so I cant understand why they threw the black flag.
After serving a ride-through penalty, Dumarey went back to racing action. He pitted with a majority of the field at lap 35 and re-entered the race in 16th for the restart at lap 40. Several short runs made it hard to gain any real track position over the next several laps, but Dumarey was able to maintain his position in the top-20.
The car was a bit tight and I had a car blocking me all the way through. He just wouldnt pick a lane, so we were behind him for quite a while, said Dumarey.
The team was poised for a top-15 finish before the lap 106 incident that saw Dumarey spin into the wall and off into the grass. The BODYCOACH.NET Chevrolet had to be towed back to the pits where they retired from the race 19 laps early.
The NASCAR Busch East Series heads to Dover International Speedway this week for the season finale.