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From what I have heard and saw on other boards apparently Hoenig didn't realize that the first reschedule date was the same day as the ROC at Oswego and after realizing it he re rescheduled to the following day.
Now by doing this obviously he has made some freinds among the WMT drivers, or if there were any TVMRS drivers who planned to run the ROC at Oswego, but probably will put a hurting on Waterford crowd wise and maybe might take a few Mod drivers away.
Now a lot of people are probably saying typical Hoenig, he never gives a crap if he screws Waterford but I think once again he was put in one of those damned if you do damned if ya don't situations......Just my opinion.
NASCAR tracks within the same state should not be allowed to compete against each other on the same day. The existence of tracks is far more important than the few drivers that have the luxury of driving two tracks on the same weekend In this example Thompson has their money in the bank and it doesn't matter if anyone shows up. Waterford will not draw one fan from thompson because they already have a ticket for the Big T.