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Boy, does this thing seem to have the potential to get ugly or what?
More on the Marlin-Nemechek-Ginn Lawsuit: Bobby Ginn said Tuesday he's surprised by a lawsuit that claims he hasn't honored the contracts for Sterling Marlin, Joe Nemechek and two crew chiefs. All four lost their jobs when Ginn Racing merged with Dale Earnhardt Inc. in late July. The four filed separate lawsuits against both teams last week in Cabarrus County, claiming they are owed their salaries. The suits don't specify what the parties are seeking, but claim they have demanded payment, and the teams have either failed or refused to comply. "Sterling and Joe's contracts ran through the end of the year, and I have paid them through August -- all of their winnings and salary, per the contract," Ginn said. "And I intend to pay through the end of the year. I always have." Ginn said that crew chiefs Richard "Slugger" Labbe and Peter Sospenzo were given severance packages when they were let go, and said he's honored it and payments are up to date. "This totally surprised me, and it looks to me like they are trying to ask for something over and above and they are just not entitled to," Ginn said. Marlin did not return a telephone message Tuesday, while Nemechek and the crew chiefs could not be reached. DEI, also named in the suit, said it was never a party to the contracts in question and the obligation to honor the agreements falls on Ginn.(AP/ESPN.com), see past news on this and more on the lawsuit, see my Lawsuit News page.(9-12-2007)
Four court cases against Ginn dismissed, settled? Former Ginn Racing drivers Joe Nemechek and Sterling Marlin as well as former crew chiefs Peter Sospenzo and Richard "Slugger" Labbe apparently have reached settlements with former team owner Bobby Ginn. All four cases - filed in North Carolina Superior Court in Concord, N.C. - have been dismissed, indicating that settlements have been reached. The drivers and crew chiefs were asking for the fulfillment of their contracts. The case files do not indicate how much they were paid, only that the drivers and crew chiefs have dismissed their claims. Ginn Racing merged with Dale Earnhardt Inc. in July, leaving Nemechek, Marlin, Sospenzo and Labbe as well as several other crew members without jobs. There are still two lawsuits involving other crew members pending against Ginn.(SceneDaily.com)(11-6-2007)
Marlin settles with Ginn: Veteran Nextel Cup driver Sterling Marlin said he has settled his legal issues with his former team owner, Bobby Ginn. Marlin and former Ginn teammate, Joe Nemechek, along with two crew chiefs, sued Ginn for breach of contract after they were cut from the team in July. "He did what he said he was going to do," Marlin said Sunday at Phoenix International Raceway. "We got it straightened out this week. We're square." Marlin would not offer specifics but said he was satisfied with the result. He said he has not spoken to Ginn since July. "I let the lawyers handle it and it all got taken care of," Marlin said. As for next year, Marlin said he expects to run about 10 races with James Finch. He will run the Daytona 500 and the races at Talladega Superspeedway. "But from there on out, I don't know," Marlin said.(ESPN.com)(11-12-2007)