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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Lancaster Raceway Park Monday, September 3, 2007 Lancaster Raceway Park Announces US Open Schedule
by Lori Overdorf
LANCASTER, N.Y. -- Lancaster Raceway Park announced the schedule for their premier stock car event the 19th Annual US Open. Scheduled for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, September 28th, 29th, and 30th, the event brings together the top race teams from throughout the Northeast, all competing for the chance to have their name engraved on the prestigious US Open trophy.
In competition throughout the weekend will be the Four Cylinders, Cup Lites, TQ Midgets, Street Stocks, Super Stocks, SST Sportsman, Late Models, and ROC Modifieds.
Friday, September 28th will feature the kick off to the event with paid practice for all divisions and the US Open Party. Pit gates will open at 4pm with Tech Inspection beginning at the same time. Practice will begin at 5pm and the Party will start at 8:30pm and will be held in the Main Concourse. Grandstand admission is free for spectators on Friday night.
Saturday, September 29th will feature a race filled day with qualifying for all divisions and feature races for four classes. Pit gates will open at 10am and practice will run from 1pm-3:30pm. Grandstand gates will open up for spectators at 1pm. Qualifying for the Cup Lites, TQ Midgets, Street Stocks, Super Stocks, SST Sportsman, Late Models, and Modifieds will begin at 4pm. At approximately 7pm the features for the following divisions will begin Four Cylinders in a 20 lap feature, Super Stocks competing in a 30 lap feature, Cup Lites racing a 50 lap feature, and SST Sportsman topping off the nights events in a 75 lap feature.
Sunday, September 30th will start bright and early with pit gates opening at 9am and practice starting at 10am. The grandstand gates will open up for fans at 10:30am while Consis will start at 12:30pm for the TQ Midgets, Street Stocks, Late Models, and ROC Modifieds. After the fields are set the features will begin at approximately 2:30pm with the TQ Midgets racing a 25 lap feature, the Street Stocks competing in a 40 lap main event, the Late Models racing in a 75 lap event, and the Mighty Modifieds capping off the weekends racing in a 100 lap main event.
Car registration fees, pit passes costs, and grandstand admission charges can be found at www.lancasterracing.com. Competitors can also find a downloadable version of the entry form as well.
Lap sponsorship programs are also up and running for numerous divisions in competition at the US Open. Programs are in place for the Street Stocks, Super Stocks, SST Sportsman, Late Models, and Modifieds. All programs are run according to the Lucky 15 Format that was started by the late Bill Colton. With the Lucky 15 format random running positions 1-15 are drawn for each sponsored lap, spreading the money throughout the field. Laps for the Street Stocks, Super Stocks, SST Sportsman, and Late Models are just $25 per lap. Contact Lori Overdorf at 716-207-2824 for more information or to sponsor a lap. Modified laps are $100 and can be purchased by contacting Jennifer Fidanza at 716-434-5263. Lap sponsors will receive PA mentions at Lancaster Raceway Park before and during the US Open, will be listed on www.lancasterracing.com, and will appear in the commemorative US Open program.
For more information on Lancaster Raceway Parks US Open contact the track office at 716-759-6818 or visit the tracks website.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 12:22, 2007-09-04