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Just to let everyone know why we edited the above post, it contained a word that we felt was inapropriate, if you want to discuss last nights incident or anything racing related anywhere on the board feel free to, but inapropriate language is a no no.
Ok AF, I'll attempt to explain only what I saw Sat night while being very careful how far I dip my big toe into the shark tank on this one.
The #91 of Jeff Paul was the leader, the #31 of Shawn Monahan was 2nd there was contact between the two ( I did not see who iniated the contact as I was spotting for another SK competitor.) The 91 ended up around the caution was thrown.
Then the 31 I'm assuming ( I dont scan the track for the team I am involved with or scan other teams radio chatter, so once again I won't speculate what was and wasn't said over the radio from the tower) was told to go to the rear of the field along with the 91, the 91 for spining and apparently the track thought the 31 caused it.
The 31 then seemed to ride in front of the pace car for a lap or so and then spun a lazy donught in turn 4 as the pace car led the field into turn 3 under caution at one point but then eventually after one of the starters came down off the stand and stopped him at the flagstand he complied and joined the rear of the field.
Now where the heated debate seems to be in all of this is the track says that they told the 31 he was done for the night, and if he chose to stay on the track they would stop scoring him. The 31 teams position is they were never told that they were done for the night or that they were not being scored.
After the race was complete apparently there were words exchanged in the pit area between the 91 and 31 drivers and teams, but what was the bizzarest thing to me was Shawn seemingly took out his frustration on any other driver who he came across in the pit area afterwards who he was wronged by or who he felt he was wronged by throughout the year.
Shawn is a good driver with a loyal team behind him and I know everyone has a bad night now an again in racing and might be tempted to want to blow there stack but we all know even at the local level racing is sponsor an fan driven especially what there perception of the driver is so he undoubtedly could have handled the whole incident a lot better than he did, just my opinion.
For what? Confronting a crew that smashed the roof in, destroying the filler on the sides of the roof? Officials didn't want to do anything about it, didn't remove these people constanly involved and the police said it was besides the point.
He only told one person he was getting wrecked, the same guy that told the officials he was going to wreck the 31 and then did it that same week. Bizzare is for a guy not involved in the championship, a guys thats been there forever and a day, to be out there gunning to wreck a car running for it.
Warren, I'm not looking to turn this into a peeing contest between the two of us, we have known each other for a long time and have raced against each other as crewmembers at different tracks and in different divisions threw the years so please dont think I'm trying to stir the pot.
I probably should have known better to comment since I'm involved with an oposing team and I'm the head of the little sandbox here, if people only knew how many times I keep my .02 to myself on things because of that.
Glad to see they tossed him.To bad his brother left to his is a good driver foolish to leave being in5th place.Where will Sp go now no tcack around he wants a driver like him
Warren, I'm not looking to turn this into a peeing contest between the two of us, we have known each other for a long time and have raced against each other as crewmembers at different tracks and in different divisions threw the years so please dont think I'm trying to stir the pot.
I probably should have known better to comment since I'm involved with an oposing team and I'm the head of the little sandbox here, if people only knew how many times I keep my .02 to myself on things because of that.
No pissing match here, comment on what you like. I'm just defending the comment he made. It might have been a foolish thing for him to say, just giving the scoop on why it was said.