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Rudd to retire at end of 2007 season: #88-Ricky Rudd says hell leave NASCAR Nextel Cup racing after this, his 28th full-time season. The 50-year-old Chesapeake native said Saturday that hes told car owner Robert Yates he wont be back and that he has no plans to race full time again. Its time. Its time, Rudd said at Michigan International Speedway. Its time for me to step back from the active schedule. At the end of the 2005 season, Rudd said hed take a break from racing but refused to call it a retirement. Other than filling in for Tony Stewart in one race, Rudd skipped all of last season before returning this year. While Rudd says hed consider a part-time ride with a strong team, hes not pursuing such an opportunity. Hes at peace with leaving the series. As you grow older, your interests change, Rudd said. Im not going about it saying Im scared to death of it. To me, its exciting. This has been a tough season for Rudd. He started alongside teammate David Gilliland on the front row for the Daytona 500 but finished 26th. His best finish this season is seventh in the Coca-Cola 600. Rudd enters todays race 29th in the points. Rudd said hes not sure what hell do. A television career could be a possibility. Rudd said ESPN offered him a job last year, but he declined it because of the travel schedule. If nothing else, hell have plenty of time to spend with his wife, Linda, and son, Landon, who turns 13 this month. Its not like, 'Oh, man, what am I going to do with my life? Rudd said. Im kind of looking forward to the next chapter. I just dont know what it is yet.(Virginian Pilot)(8-19-2007)