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Sad News: Christian Elder Christian Stuart Elder, 38, of Catamaran Ct., Cornelius, passed away on Sunday, August 12, 2007, at his residence. Born December 6, 1968, in Minneapolis, MN, he was a son of John Stuart and Sherry Hansen Elder, of Bloomington, MN. Mr. Elder was a Project Manager for Elder-Jones, Inc. He was a race car driver in the NASCAR Goody's Dash Series, winning at Daytona and Lowes Motor Speedway [and in the Busch Series where he ran 24 races in 2001-2002]. In addition to his parents, Mr. Elder is survived by a sister, Elizabeth Elder, of St. Louis Park, MN; brother, Justin Elder and wife, Sara, and their son, Nolan; maternal grandmother, Phyllis Hansen, of Bloomington, MN; and his two best buddies, his dogs, Yukon and Henry. A service will be held at 2:00pm, Monday, August 20, at Normandale Hylands United Methodist Church, 9922 Normandale Boulevard South, Bloomington, MN, with visitation one hour prior. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Lance Armstrong Foundation, National Mail Processing Center, P.O. Box 6003, Albert Lea, MN 56007-6603. Cavin-Cook Funeral Home, Mooresville, is serving the family of Mr. Elder.(Charlotte Observer)(8-15-2007)